5 thoughts on “Will Zhou Baifu Gold be fake?”

  1. Zhou Baifu has always been accused of "cottage", but fake goods should not be, at most it is the purity problem of gold shops now.
    If there is a pimple in your heart, it is recommended to go to some century -old brands. It is important to buy a psychological comfort. The Pearl of the East -Hong Kong is a large -scale comprehensive jewelry group that integrates global diamond hair procurement, bare diamond cutting, jewelry research and development design, finished jewelry finished product wholesale, and retail chain operations.

    Looking at the golden appearance, commonly known as "Qiqing Eight Yellow Nine Five". Pure gold will flash dazzling light under strong light, which is not available by other metals (including copper).
    It two weights. The proportion of gold is large, which weighs about twice the common metals such as copper, silver, lead, and zinc. It may be adulterated by a heavy feeling in the hand. The shape is large and light.
    three % off. The gold jewelry is folded by the hand, which is very soft to high -definition gold; the low purity is not soft. Small gold jewelry can be bent with both hands. The high color is soft and soft, and the folds are wrinkled; those with low colors are rigid, elastic, crispy and easy to break.
    four knocks. Two of the same gold jewelry collided, the high -colored person's voice "Bu Bu", the low -level person's voice "铮 铮", and the gold mixed voice "Dangdang". You can also throw the table or on the ground to distinguish, and the real gold will make a "click" sound, commonly known as dead sound. The low -colored gold jewelry is thrown on the cement floor with rhyme and sharp sound, and a slight jump.
    The test hard. Gently draw a few times with a big needle or nail, the traces are obviously gold, and the bronze is slightly worse.
    Im reminder: Some people use their teeth to bite the test method of tooth printing without losing a method.
    brand culture
    "week": means "comprehensive, Zhou Preparation"; the word "blessing" is the essence of Chinese culture, the general name of all things, Blessing, still blessing. Everyone hopes to have blessings, blessings, open Fumen, blessings to the soul, blessing and wisdom, and blessings. "The Book of Songs*Da Ya*Fake Music": "Thousands of Lu Baifu, hundreds of billions of children and grandchildren."

  2. In 2001, Zhou Baifu Jewelry Group was founded in the Oriental Pearl, which is founded in modern jewelry in China, Hong Kong. Since its establishment, Zhou Baifu has formed a very stable foundation. Then directly purchase raw materials from the mining area there, and perform direct processing to achieve real low cost and high operation. The Group set up a design and development center in Hong Kong's headquarters, and then hired some well -known fashion jewelry designers for it for it to make some well -known fashion jewelry designers for it for it to use it for some well -known fashion jewelry designers for it to make some well -known fashion jewelry designers. His group has created a good atmosphere and has been standing at the front end of the jewelry trend of jewelry.

  3. Zhou Baifu has always been accused of "cottage", but fake goods should not be, at most it is the purity problem of gold shops now.
    If there is a pimple in your heart, it is recommended to go to some century -old brands. It is important to buy a psychological comfort. In fact, the price between the store and the store is really different.

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