5 thoughts on “Where to go to Lanzhou is better?”

  1. Lanzhou has the largest clothing and small jewelry wholesale markets in the Northwest, and there are shoe cities across. During this time, many products are at the lowest price. At Wuli Shop, come out from the train station to take the bus station on the right. That is, I do n’t even need to have the road ~
    It recommended to start from the building with the right -hand building. It is a brand wholesale city. The women's clothing on the second floor is cheap and the third floor is a brand, but it can be bargain (because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is mainly because it is Wholesale, sometimes half of it can be cut); the ground floor is a small product, and there is everything in the card leather clip earrings. It's enough to turn around for a day, huh, I wish you a happy shopping!

  2. Agree with a lot of consent. The Wangfujing, Guofang Parkson, New World, Asia -Europe, and Xidan are all large shopping malls upstairs. When they do not change the season, they are all five or six hundred, thousands of yuan!

    The is better to buy clothes to the eastern market. There are all kinds of shoe (Northwest Shoe City, Fairview Shoe City), which is the largest business district in Lanzhou City. Sit 110 to the East Market Station (point A) for about 15 minutes.

    Note: Baidu Maps is unreliable in searching for bus lines. The stations passed by 110 vehicles in turn are Lanzhou Station (starting), Heping Hotel, Wandering Road South Exit , Radmore (Wulipu), the Eastern Market (Note: There is no Eastern Market Station in the East), Northwest Painting Factory ... You get off 200m after getting off at the "Ridmore" station. Baidu mapnThis data comes from Baidu Map, and the final result is based on the latest data of Baidu Map.

  3. Lanzhou Shopping to Guofang Parkson Shopping Center
    Dongfang Red Plaza (is the largest square in Lanzhou, there are Guofang Parkson Shopping Center and Lanzhou Gymnasium): take the bus in front of the train station to the "Plaza West Exit" or "Plaza East Exit "get off.

  4. The Eastern wholesale is good ..
    The brand of many brands in Zhangye Road Pedestrian Street ..
    . As for Asia -Europe and Parkson, they are all high -end ...
    The train station to bus or taxi. ..
    The buss to 1/123/137, etc. Go to all ..

    In I wish you a happy

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