2 thoughts on “What is the millennium”

  1. Millennium is also known as Qianfu Nian, and its concept comes from Christian teachings. The earliest meaning can be extended
    The expectations of the Jews for the afterlife. The teachings of the millennium are contained in the
    of the "Revelation" in the New Testament. Christ's promise of thousands of years, and at the end of the millennium, Satan will make chaos again,
    but eventually returned to failure and accepting the final trial.
    This of the texts in the various parties of Christianity have different interpretations. Catholic
    will think that the millennials mentioned in the Bible are just a narrative similar to fairy tale. They recognize
    as the church in the world. When the Western Roman Empire died and the barbarians ruled the European continent,
    The people believed that the millennium was the beginning of the millennium. In the Middle Ages, the
    concept of the millennium began to become popular. Until the fifteenth century, some sectarian groups proposed millennialism,
    to fight the authority of the church.
    After the nineteenth century, with the increasingly matureness of human rationality and the development of science and technology,
    Millennium was given a new concept and became a milestone in the new world of human beings. Time
    Today, the second millennium is coming, and various activities to celebrate the millennials are remarkable.
    The millennium has expanded from religious meaning to a celebration of all mankind. The original ending of the world
    means that it is also replaced by the joy and expectations of cross -century.

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