1 thought on “What can the famine give me the raccoon gift”

  1. Give Panda "toys" or food can be friendly with it, and it will also spit out "gifts" to give back to the player, such as rotten food or dried grass. Each item that gives Panda Panda can extend the friendship time (48 seconds) of 1/10 days to follow the player (the upper limit is complete 1 day) and shorten the time for the next spit out. The items given by Huan Panda are determined based on the number of coughs in front of the hair ball. Friendship is different from the neutral panda spit out.

    In many people's famines, friendly pandas will decide to follow the player's time based on the number of "toys" and food. If it comes to the player before it reaches time, it will spit the gift out and end it. But vomiting gifts does not mean to end friendly relations. The evidence comes from it to fight wild panda.

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