2 thoughts on “What are the small gifts for real estate companies to do activities”

  1. Advertising umbrellas are a relatively common activity small gift, because of their practical, portable, and large -scale advertising. While users use it, it is easy to attract passers -by’s eyes. Therefore, umbrellas are more and more popular with some companies. The promotion effect is long, and it is not appropriate to be a small gift for real estate.

    Is opened real estate opening gifts

    ultra -thin charging treasures that can be customized in real estate advertisements, mini portable, and suitable for advertising. For customers, not only a charging treasure It is a promotional weapon.

    The list of small gifts for real estate-business notepad

    a high-end notepad, the surface is used in imported PU fine car seams, which can be customized as the surface of small gifts. Vanke, Country Garden and other real estate companies LOGO, so as to use it as a publicity. This business book is simple and generous, and can be used as a portable office supplies.

  2. In summer, there can be advertising small fans, mosquito exorntors, high -end communities, and swimming experience cards in the gym, small crystal, small jewelry, wind chimes, charging treasures, can also have charging treasures, can also have it, can there be, there can Outstanding, I have also seen a drink. These things depend on the community or real estate you operate.

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