Some people often call us to get free gifts, saying that it is to give back to the old customers of the ICBC, and also say that there are cars to pick up and drop off. What kind of deception is this?

5 thoughts on “Some people often call us to get free gifts, saying that it is to give back to the old customers of the ICBC, and also say that there are cars to pick up and drop off. What kind of deception is this?”

  1. It must be fake, because ICBC cannot send gifts to the door, and generally speaking, gifts are carried out in the bank hall, and it is impossible to send it to the door.
    The scam inside is when you go downstairs to get gifts, the other party wants you to show your ID card, then at this time the other party can hold your ID card on the Internet. Can't recover the money, you can only pay this money by yourself.
    Personal suggestion: In the future, you will not be ignored when you receive a similar phone call. You can directly choose to block it. Here are all loan fraud through your identity information. With the carelessness of cheapness, the scammer will come to the door.
    What should we do when we encounter fraud?
    The first report to the nearest police station. Now the public security organs and the banking system have a channel for rapid emergency response. In this way, they can also urgently restore some losses for the victims. In this respect, it must be faster, so as to be fast, the faster the better.
    The expansion information:
    The crime of fraud refers to the behavior of illegal possession, using fictional facts or concealing the truth, to deceive the behavior of large and private property with large amounts of public and private property.
    It 266 fraud public and private property, with a large amount, shall be sentenced to imprisonment, detention or control of less than three years, and a fine or single fine; The above ten years of imprisonment and a fine; if the amount is particularly huge or other particularly serious, it is sentenced to more than ten years in prison or life imprisonment, and fined or confiscated property. If there are other regulations in this law, in accordance with regulations.
    The (21) (2) Dedicated means to deceive the VAT invoices or other invoices that can be used to deceive export tax refund and deduct taxes, in accordance with the provisions of Article 266 of this law Conflict and punishment.
    The crime of crime of theft, fraud, and robbing crime of crime, and using violence on the spot or threatened by violence in order to hide the stolen goods, resist arrest or destruction. Conflicia and punishment.
    It Article 3) Organization and Utilization of the Society, Cult Organization, or using superstitious women, and fraudulent property shall be convicted in accordance with the provisions of Article 236 and 266 of this law. Penalty.

  2. No matter what the real bank says on the phone, you will ask you to go to the bank to do business. When you go to the bank, listen to the banker, you don't need to listen to the words of the people on the phone. The scammers will ask you some questions on the phone, such as ID numbers, passwords, etc. Or manipulate you, how to do it and how to do it. So except for 95588, don't believe anyone's call, because 95588 is you who call him, not him to call you.
    The is not necessarily a scammer, it may be the activity of local banks, but don't let them pick it up, say the location, go by yourself. If they tell you a certain outlet, it is a good thing, go.

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