1 thought on “Korean movies talk about a family of three derailment”

  1. Korean movies talk about a family of three derailment

    The movie name is "Navel" or "Umbrella". A family scandal history describes the model family that everyone envy. The partner is put aside, each played a dangerous game of searching.

    The plot introduction:

    The history of family scandal, describing the envy of everyone, the family is actually empty, and the members put their partners aside. Each played a dangerous game of searching. Professor Xu (Qianhao Zhen) has a happy family that makes many people envy or even jealous. On the day of the wedding anniversary, a romantic scene of eating dinner and exchanging diamond ring with his wife (Li Meishu) is still shot by a TV station. It was announced as a "model family" program. But in fact, at such a touching moment, he and his wife were missing another person outside each other. Professor Xu is taught in the best university in South Korea. He is well -known scholars admired by students. His wife is a model in a top fashion photography company. Although he is married, the charm will never lose young people. She and photo ...

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