3 thoughts on “Jin Dafu's diamond ring, let's take a look, how much does this cost?”

  1. The price is around 1500.
    This on the certificate D0.064ct D0.008CT indicates that the main diamond size of the diamond ring is 0.064 carats, which is 6.4 points, and the total weight of the auxiliary diamond is 0.008 carats, which is 0.8 points. Diamonds below 10 points are broken diamonds, and the diamonds are too small, so the cost of diamonds is not high, about three or four hundred.

    The precious metal detection is 18K gold, which means that the precepts are gold with a gold content of 75%, with a total weight of 2 grams. According to the current gold price, the cost of the precepts is about 350.

    The processing costs, inlaid costs, store costs and brand value. The price is around 1500.

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