4 thoughts on “Jewelry Jewelry Appraisal Certificate? Is this useful? Am I deceived?”

  1. Jewelry jewelry appraisal certificates are useful. If the picture is viewed, this kind of thing is not worth 3280 yuan, but the valuation of jade, antiques, and calligraphy and painting is originally false and real! If you want to return the goods, I think this may be unlikely, because you are drawn by a lottery, and the merchant will definitely use various reasons and excuses to send you, but you may try it if you are unwilling, but you must buy something at that time. Small ticket!

  2. Hello, 3280 is the price
    one folding transaction
    This method is
    The n raffle discount sales
    your certificate is true, the certificate can only be Prove
    The objects of your objects are true
    but it cannot prove the quality of your objects
    The silver inlaid emerald pendant, which is mass -produced, there is a word in the jadeite industry, This kind of silver -inlaid ornament is a low -end product of jadeite, which is not high. Generally, it is mostly sold in a lottery in shopping malls and supermarkets. If you buy more than 200 R n is not too expensive
    I don't think you have to be too much
    It, don't buy such raffle discounts in the future
    If you don’t understand, please continue to ask
    . I hope to choose as a satisfactory answer
    Thank you

  3. The authenticity of the certificate can be queried. First of all, look at the appraisal agency of your certificate, and then enter the query number above him. The check is true. I judge the actual value of about 100 yuan according to the color. I made jewelry. I made jewelry. It's about 15 years, I hope to help you

  4. Don't be cheated by the identification certificate! Jewelry shop shopkeeper tells you the true meaning of jewelry identification, very practical

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