1 thought on “I bought a foot gold and Tianyu pendant in the jewelry shop, everyone can help firmly how much value”

  1. This kind of foot -gold Hetian jade, Hetian jade that can generally issue a certificate, can be regarded as a real Hetian jade.

    If according to the current identification standards in my country, the unified flaspy stone jade is attributed to Hetian jade. It does not make the principle of identification of the distinction between the place of origin.

    is just this kind of foot gold and field jade. It uses the cheapest and most flat Korean material, pure mechanical mold grinding molding, gold is not pure gold, a thin layer of gold foil stickers combined Essence Therefore, although it is true Heada, the value is not high. I visually inspecting this gram of not more than 20 grams, the market market does not exceed 200 yuan, and the purchase is not significant!

    The shopping mall, jewelry shop, like to enter such cheap genuine goods, the price is tens of thousands of yuan, the lottery is sold for sale, and you must be cautious in the future.

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