1 thought on “How to innovate in jewelry packaging design”

  1. The user's packaging box where jewelery placed jewelry has its own characteristics in terms of structure and decoration method. When designing, it must meet the general laws of design packaging, and consider the special requirements of jewelry products. Many jewelry have their own characteristics, such as the surface of pearls is prone to scratches, and the jewelry of precious metals is prone to oxidation. Therefore, before you want to make an innovative design, you should first consider how it storage, protection, transportation, etc. should be considered.
    2. Shape the overall image of its brand
    to achieve innovation. Based on the basic needs, you can consider shaping the overall image of its brand when designing the jewelry box. In the industry of jewelry, once the brand has established a good image, it will bring consumers with confidence and popularity. The packaging box is an important method for displaying the brand. When designing, you can use text, graphics, and logo elements. For different display methods for different jewelry, you can strengthen the customer's memory of the brand through the packaging box.
    3. Clear positioning
    Different jewelry has different packaging methods, structures, materials, and forms. For different markets such as high -end and low -end , Structure, etc., should be clearly located when designing to determine what type of jewelry is, what characteristics of the jewelry itself, etc., according to the shape, style, volume, connotation and other factors. The packaging box reflects its characteristics.
    Of course, if you want to achieve innovation and popular purpose in making jewelry packaging box design, you must also fully understand the dynamics and conditions of the market. Get fresh concepts from the survey information, make reasonable positioning of the design to avoid pursuing individuals due to the pursuit of individuals Although the designed products are novel, they cannot satisfy the aesthetics of the public.

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