4 thoughts on “How much is cinnabar bracelet”

  1. The n from tens of yuan to thousands of yuan or even more expensive depends on the comprehensive judgment of the specific size, style, color, workmanship and other comprehensive judgments
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  2. Pay content for time limit to check for freenAnswer a littlenQuestion hellonAnswer Hello, the price of cinnabar bracelets is generally about tens of yuan to hundreds of yuan. Generally, how much money needs to be analyzed according to quality and quality. The cinnabar bracelet also has quality and style. Therefore It's better, there are more beads, and the price will be more expensive. But in general, the cinnabar bracelet is not very expensive, ranging between hundreds of yuan. And if it is a very good cinnabar bracelet, the price of cinnabar bracelets should be different. The output of cinnabar ore is getting scarce, and high -quality cinnabar products are even more impossible, especially high -quality cinnabar bracelets are carefully selected, so the value is naturally not low. Hope to help you, thank younQuestion about Xiangxi's side,nLand of XiangxinAnswer Hello, it's almost the same pricenQuestion, don't know hownI understand a WeChat name called Shan Ruoshui. I am selling cinnabar. I want to buy a string of cinnabar bracelets. He said that 1147 yuan a seriesnI feel a bit expensive, so I will ask, I hope to get the suggestionnAnswer, I suggest you go out to buy a regular store.nMore 8nBleak

  3. It's pretty expensive, it depends on where cinnabar is. This is mostly on the sale of Keke, and the salary of ordinary people must be one month after a series. You can go to "Natural Cinnabar Bar" to ask

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