1 thought on “How is the handling fee of Zhou Dafu?”

  1. Zhou Dafu's handling fee is generally discounted, and it will be about 88-9 % off. Zhou Dafu's gold has almost no discount, and the manual fee will be discounted.
    The weekly blessing processing fee is not fixed. General rings and earrings, a piece of labor expenses 50-150, necklace, generally 150 upward. In addition, if the price of complex workmanship will be higher, it will be lower.
    The standards of gold jewelry manual fees are generally two types: charging fees at the price per gram of gold. Charged according to the specifications of gold jewelry. Generally, during festivals or store celebrations, the manual fee will be discounted, so the specific cost of the processing of the gold jewelry of Zhou Dafu is based on the store.
    as, even if the processing fee is also calculated according to the number of grams, the calculation methods of different brands and even the same brand are different. The low processing fee per gram is only a few yuan. Dozens of yuan or even more than 100 yuan.
    Due to the relatively complicated process of gold jewelry, it will charge different amounts of processing fees based on the time consumed and the loss of processing at the product. This is already an industry practice. Relatively speaking Calculation is slightly cost -effective.
    Inned precautions for purchasing gold:
    The merchants of gold jewelry in the market today. Newcomers need to pay attention when buying. Guarantee. Note that gold jewelry should be equipped with the precious metal content and weight certificates issued by the quality inspection institutions recognized by the state. Do not forget to ask the merchant when purchasing.

    The carefully check whether the jewelry has a burrs, whether the chain body is straight, and whether the buckle, interface, ear clip, etc. are safe. When purchasing the gold jewelry, pay attention to the use of welding medicines to make the bracelet buckle and the connector of the earrings, and the part of the welding medicine is lower.

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