1 thought on “Do you recognize 5 9 gold countries?”

  1. Five 9 gold countries are recognized. Five 9 gold is called high -purity gold, which refers to the gold products with a purity of 99.999%, which is marked as AU99999. Gao Chunjin is higher than the purity of AU9999, more red and pure. However, such gold is generally used as reagent gold and will not be used as jewelry gold.
    The relevant regulations:
    The national documents only specify the naming method of the purity of gold jewelry. As long as the gold jewelry with gold content greater than 99%requires the word gold. However, there is no restriction of gold jewelry with higher purity purity.
    5 The method of high -purity gold such as 9 and 9 can be combined with electrolytic refining method and regional melting method. The higher the more advanced technology, the more advanced the manufacturing process is. Such high -purity gold is mainly used in semiconductor devices, key -in -use gold wires in large -scale integrated circuits, and high -purity gold -based alloy, etc., will not be used as jewelry gold.

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