2 thoughts on “Be better to get a diamond ring for marriage or gold”

  1. 1. From the perspective of value preservation,
    If it is to only look at the gold value, then its value preservation must be better than the diamond. Because gold can be recycled and can be realized. Diamonds, international diamond prices have been in a stable rise for so many years, so diamonds have relatively stable value preservation capabilities.
    2. From the perspective of wearing
    , because many couples often wear wedding rings, especially women. Therefore, its durability is very important, so from this point of view, the durability of the gold ring is not as good as a diamond ring. Because gold is a relatively soft metal, it is easy to scratch with the ring made by it, and it is easy to deform under the influence of external forces. The diamond rings are generally used in K gold and platinum. These two materials are high and corrosion -resistant, so it is relatively wear -resistant. Therefore, from the perspective of wearing, the diamond ring is better than the gold ring.

    3. From a beautiful perspective
    because of the characteristics of the diamond, its shiny light is incomparable to the golden ring. And the diamond ring is usually better to match the clothes. So from a beautiful perspective, the diamond ring is better than the gold ring. Especially more popular among young people.

  2. gold. Because gold is always preserved, and the diamonds are good -looking, but they are not preserved, especially those below 1 carat, so you must buy gold when you get married.

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