4 thoughts on “After dumping Qin Hailu, Li Xiang was married, but Li Houlin finally returned to the Buddhist gate. What was it?”

  1. Li Houlin was born in Tianjin in 1973. He is good at business and has an investment attention different from ordinary people. The 26 -year -old Li Houlin founded Hengxin Diamond with a sensitive sense of smell and savvy business thoughts. Through some operations, Li Houlin became a well -known domestic jewelry rich man.
    In addition to Qin Hailu good at dancing skills, he also knows Peking Opera. At that time, Qin Hailu also won the Oscar Golden Award for a "Durian Flutter". In the entertainment industry, she is a promising future. Therefore, Li Houlin is like breaking a bunker, with Qin Hailu as the next purpose, and has a comprehensive offensive against Qin Hailu. Money is undoubtedly the main way of pursuing, various romantic confession, and various precious gifts. Let Qin Hailu feel that she is a woman in the center of the world, but in Qin Hailu's heart, love and career are generally important. Therefore, when Li Houlin proposed to her with a diamond ring with 50 colored diamonds, Qin Hailu refused to reject her career. I thought that this man would cherish himself well. When he was a while, he did not expect that before he refused, Qin Hailu received a text message from breaking up. For the breakup Qin Hailu, she was naturally unacceptable, and she paid her sincere love for this love.
    This from the breakup SMS, he asked the reason why the breakup, but Li Houlin explained pale. Not long after breaking up with Qin Hailu, the information about Li Xiang and Li Houlin got out of marriage. Thirty days after Li Houlin and Li Xiang, they got married. This incident caused a storm in the entire entertainment industry at the time, and their wedding was grand and grand. How many people say that Li Xiang is the final winner. She defeated Qin Hailu, but it was surprising that the marriage lasted only two years to the end.
    I was married to Li Houlin, and did not expect that Li Houlin was not an imaginary giant, but just a "pseudo -rich man". Because Li Houlin could not achieve Li Xiang's pursuit of life, he divorced her. After a divorce, Li Houlin focused his career on his career. Later, because of a chance, he met the master Zexiu Langli. In the process of interacting with the master Zexiu Langzhu, he recognized the true meaning of Buddhism. At present, Li Houlin converted to the Buddha and became a Buddhist. Life rises and falls, and goes around, but is to find the meaning of life. Today, Li Houlin finally found his meaning and value.

  2. The following is my opinion: he was very difficult during the time of divorce, and he was running for his company every day. Finally, it gradually came out of a state of bankruptcy, and passed the difficulties smoothly, and the value reached another peak. After experiencing such a change, Li Houlin's whole person gradually became restrained. And keep doing public welfare. Even converted to the Buddhist gate. I will recite the Buddhist scriptures every morning and get calmness and strength from it. Perhaps for him, the culture of Buddhism supports the spiritual power when he has troubled him, so because of this, he will choose to convert to the Buddhist gate.

  3. Li Houlin and Li Xiang were disturbing in their feelings. After a long time when they got married, the two divorced. In the end, he saw the red dust, so he converted to the Buddhist gate.

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