4 thoughts on “Accessories affect wearing fashion, how to choose accessories? How to match it easily to avoid tacky feelings?”

  1. Accessories affect wearing fashion, how to choose accessories? How to match it easily to avoid tacky feelings? Evaluate whether a woman can dress and taste, whether there is a taste, just see her jewelry. Because people with taste can wear a hundred pieces of jewelry to wear 10,000 yuan, but people who have no taste can only look at the 10,000 yuan jewelry look like nine yuan and nine -nine stalls. This is not alarmist, because the gap between it will be dressed, it is really so big!
    I. Choose Point1 according to these points. Different ages are suitable for different types of jewelry to choose jewelry. You must first consider your age. It is best not to choose jewelry with too much gap with your own age field. For example, young candidates over 30 years of age can be cheerful and personalized, and they choose five colors or unique jewelry. But in exchange for adults over 30 years old, and even middle -aged and old, you need to choose more elegant and layered jewelry. Exquisite bare diamonds, simple gold and silver materials, and its well -green jadeite jade is a good choice ~
    point2. Select according to your face shape and shoulder week type. The diamond face should be selected or line -type long earrings, and there is no need to choose the earrings that are too strong. Round face is suitable for pear -shaped, linear and long earrings, long face shape is suitable for fan -shaped and square earrings. The heart -shaped face is more suitable for ring earrings. There is no need to choose triangular or linear earrings. The face of Guazi is smooth, and naturally wearing it at will!
    V necklace selection must be below the neck, and the V -neck tails are above the tail to make the matching simple and delicate. The round -necked shirt is more suitable for long V necklaces to make all shoulder and neck lines more stretching and temperament. If you replace it with a high -necked shirt jacket or well -shaped suspender vest, select a short V -type polypeptide chain with simple design schemes to easily get beautiful necks, and it is much more fashionable than others ~
    point3. Choose Qi according to the dress style In addition to the age of jewelry and the characteristics of their own body, the type of jewelry can be used as a specification of jewelry. The dressing style can also be one of the specifications of jewelry. For example, the design style is gorgeous and elegant, and you choose natural pearls or emerald jade; spicy girls in Europe and America choose the exaggerated metal material material; the retro -vocal port style selects colorful or big pearl jewelry.
    . The finishing touch of jewelry matching skills can be easily avoided (technical 1) jewelry that is prone to wealth. The color should choose gold, silver, jade jade, jewelry, etc. with high collection value according to the skin color. Rich. If this type of jewelry is not selected, it is more likely to have a sense of oldness. Generally speaking, golden jewelry is more suitable for sisters with warm skin or dark black skin. It is more temperamental in autumn and winter. In the summer, wearing gold jewelry should choose the simple style of the wire frame, and the clothing with heavy skin feel reduces the sense of weight.
    The silver -white jewelry is more suitable for sisters with cold color skin tone, which will make the skin color look more uniform and white. If the same material or type of jewelry occurs together, remember to maintain the consistency of color. Don't use gold jewelry with silver jewelry, it will look very vulgar ~
    (Tips 2) When the jewelry is stacked, you must distinguish the jewelry wearing the nose and neck. Improve the sense of hierarchy. But the stack must pay attention to the main and second, otherwise it will make people feel complicated and loose. Taking the necklace as an example. The necklace is the most common type of jewelry. When a stacked belt, you can pass a carbon chain, N bars or one, one short, one thick, and one thin method.
    (Tips 3) Exquisite but not complicated. Remember to make "subtraction" for jewelry. Do not think that a piece of jewelry looks good and piled up. The role of jewelry is the best state. Learn to subtract the types of jewelry. Generally, it is enough to wear jewelry within three types. If there is an exaggerated or complex jewelry on the body, other jewelry must choose some styles of simple foundation, so that it will not be ticked.

  2. I think the accessories can simply choose earrings or sunglasses. If you want to match it, you can choose a trench coat with a silk scarf. It will be more fashionable and not tacky.

  3. I think we should first choose from personal wear, choose some simple niche costumes for wearing; avoid some of the blessing words that are too much of the blessing, and the personal needs and actual conditions are selected.

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